Brickoids is a computer game designed and created by Soth Development, an Icelandic Shareware games development group (See Soth Dev. Readme). The original version of Brickoids was released early 1997. This edition, Brickoids Millenium, is in many ways superior to former versions. It includes higher-quality sounds, considerably improved graphics and drum'n bass music in the background.
Brickoids is approximately 4000 lines of code and a lot of work has been put into it so we ask you to support shareware and register our other games, even if this one is freeware. If you feel obliged to show your appreciation then please send $15 to Ken Winograd, the programmer who made the original Brickles game, to whom we owe this entire game concept. You can contact him at
Brickoids Requires:
* 640 x 480 resolution or better
* 8-bit colour (256 colours)
* 68040 or PowerPC processor
* System 7 or later
* About 4MB of RAM
Brickoids Help
Q = If you press this button the game will stop the game in progress and exit to the splash screen. If you press the button again it will activate the "Quit" option in the splash screen, exiting the program.
Spacebar = When you start the game the ball is stuck to the paddle so you'll have to release it by pressing the spacebar. You can also press the mouse button.
P= By pressing the P button you will pause the game. It will remain paused until you press it again.
Soth Development can be contacted in the following ways:
Visit our website on the Internet:
Contact us via E-mail:
Send us Snail Mail:
Soth Development
Oldugata 4
101 Reykjavik
Artwork and Design: Sveinbjorn Thordarson
Programming: Thorlindur Thorolfsson
Website & Graphics: Brynjar Eiriksson
Sound Effects: Olafur "Hass" Gunnarson
Music: Bjarki Fannar Atlason
We would like to thank the following:
Apple Computers Inc. -- for creating an excellent development platform.
Coca-Cola Company -- for keeping us awake through those long, bleak winter nights of hard work...
Rammstein -- for making a great contribution to the metal music industry.
Rage Against The Machine -- for keeping our programmer angry, agressive and to the point.
And finally.....
Freyr Bjornsson -- for making absolutely no contribution to this game whatsoever.